Silver Lining in Enterprise Tech Spending

The New York Times had a couple of excellent articles yesterday, which should be of interest to tech PR and social media PR folks.

There is a silver lining in enterprise tech spending numbers, and it is in the clouds (both literally and figuratively).

The article: Gartner Tech Forecast: Cloudy and Getting Cloudier breaks down a recent Gartner report on the subject:

Spending on information technology worldwide, Gartner projects, will
grow at a rate a bit higher than global economic growth — up 10 percent
(4.5 percent adjusted for a weak dollar), to $3.4 trillion this year.
The weakness in the United States will be offset by the strength in
emerging economies…

But the information technology sector has become so large and so
central to the world’s economy that the spending total is not the place
to look. The top-line numbers, almost inevitably, mask the ferment

The “ferment,” according to writer Steve Lohr’s analysis of the Gartner report, relates to the impact and growth of cloud computing, a technology.   Cloud computing (Wikipedia definition) is having a disruptive effect on the IT sector.  Its adoption will mean good things for those who supply related hardware, software and services, and bad things for other tech vendors.

If you are in tech PR, what are you seeing in terms of the state of business?

Also, in A Campaign Not Filtered by the Press, David Carr wrote about how Barack Obama is a taking his campaign directly to the people via social and mobile technologies.

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