I just recently passed the six month mark of Flack’s Revenge, and thought I’d take a little time to reflect on the experiences. It made me think of this famous National Lampoon magazine cover, back from when I was just a kid. Being a naive kid, I half wondered "geez, will they really shoot the poor dog?" I bought the issue (actually, I was hooked and bought most of their issues).
I am wondering if I’ll need to issue a similar threat to get some real traffic going. On the one hand, blogging (in general) seems like a desperate bid for attention and self promotion. On the other, it has been fun, I have learned by delving into some interesting topics, and have truly appreciated the links, interaction and comments.
I still think it is imperative if you are in marketing, PR or really and type of business communications to blog. I have a new respect for those who crank out great posts frequently and consistently, and for those who have been able to break through and build significant audiences.
I have been told that I am a good writer, clearly it takes more than just writing skills to build blogging momentum. Mostly, it has been admittedly difficult to come up with a healthy pipeline of topics and find the time to develop and blog about these.
I guess it depends on the type of blog, but for those who are trying to build audience, interaction and a vibrant community, I have been thinking recently that the skills needed are more akin to those of a radio talk show DJ show.
The good ones can fill up hours of air time, be provocative with their own thoughts and ideas yet also riff off of hot topics and caller interaction – in short they are interesting, topical, information-driven and consistently keep audiences entertained and engaged. They keep the conversations and pace of info interesting and moving along.
Looking ahead, I am resolving to post more frequently and be more attuned to (and comment on) others’ blogs.
Thanks for reading, I hope to continue to make it worth your time, and without threatening to shoot any dogs.
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I have a new respect for those who crank out great posts frequently and consistently, and for those who have been able to break through and build significant audiences.
Wonderful post! I like your blog, and am a regular follower. I will be back monday!
I don’t think that these magazine guys have killed this dog.
Of course not! If they did it would be unbelievably horrible
I just stumbled upon your blog after reading your blog posts wanted to say thanks.i highly appreciate the blogger for doing this effort.