Interesting Links

Getting behind in my blogging and reading, will have to do something about that!

So forgive the fact that I am referencing links that are not quite hot off the press.  They are still great links, and I am sure you will enjoy them if you haven’t seen these pieces already. 

These, among other links, have been sitting in my Firefox browser for the past few weeks (a neat trick, you can set up Firefox to "remember" which sessions you had open in tabs when you close, so that they get instantly called up again the next time you start the browser – neat, except that it is a recipe for procrastination).  While we are on the subject, everyone who uses Firefox should upgrade to 3.0, it rocks.

Anyone who reads Flack’s Revenge should know that poor PR writing is one of my pet peeves.   That is why the following caught my attention:

From the Riffs, Tiffs and What ifs Blog:  It’s Complex to Write Simple These Days–but Hemingway’s Rules of Writing can Still Work

This post opens with the perennial question: "Why Can’t new PR and Marketing People Write?"

Steve Kayser writes about writing in the context of Hemingway’s recommendations, and includes these tips amongst others:

  1. Use short sentences.
  2. Use short first paragraphs.
  3. Use vigorous English.
  4. Be positive, not negative

A great read, and some excellent tips.

In the post I am not cut out for PR from the Getting Ink blog, Sally Whittle tells about her experiences as journalist-turned copywriter/PR person, and discusses (amongst other things) the rudeness she encountered from journalists in the process.

Not that we want or invite gratuitous trashing of journos, but it is becoming so commonplace to air peeves about PR people these days, it is nice to hear another perspective from someone who has experience on both sides.

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