Social Tools Summit Cheat Sheet

Seven sessions. Two trender chats. A great keynote, product speed case, and best of all the STSummit16.jpg largechance to meet and learn from very smart social media consultants, practitioners and technology innovators.

There simply is no substitute for being at Social Tools Summit (well, accessing the live stream was the next best thing).  You could search the #SocialTools16 hash tag and read through the thousands of tweets – I suggest that you do, if you didn’t attend or see the live stream.  The tweets feature tons of great advice, links to resources, running commentary on the day’s activities – and of course lots of social tools talk.

If you are pressed for time, you could just read this post.  I have attempted to capture the highlights, by curating top tweets under each session, and sharing other details.

Check out the Storify wrap, below.  I also want to thank Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony for inviting me back this year, and to their stellar team for organizing the event (you could call them the A team, as most of the names starts with A, including two Andreas; and let’s face, it they are an A team).

Also, I thank the great panel that assisted with my influencer marketing session: Lina Roque, CA Technologies (congrats for winning a Social Guru award!), Chandra Carson, Lindt & Sprungli, Eric Dahan, InstaBrand, Ryan Connors, Century Bank, Wayne Kurtzman, Pitney Bowes and Jannette Pazer, DragonSearch.


Keynote on Scaling Innovation

Here is a link to Christopher Penn’s keynote on scaling innovation.

Other Summaries

SoTrender has a nice wrap of the event.  Paul Gillin mentioned it in his Silicon Angle piece about social selling.  Also, see Red Javelin’s 8 Social media Takeaways from the Social Tools Summit 2016 – Boston.



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See You at Social Tools Summit Next Week

I am very much looking forward to Social Tools Summit (#SocialTools16) in Boston next STsummitTuesday, where I will be moderating a panel on influencer marketing.

Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony invited me back following last year’s Boston event, which was a blast (see my blog wrap), and I jumped at the opportunity. It looks like it will be another great event. The day will be packed with informative sessions, tech demos, and a nice range of speakers and panels. You should really check it out if you work in social media, and are trying to get your arms around the state-of-the-technology.

The panel I’m on has good mix of of vendors, consultants and client side practitioners:

If you haven’t registered, it isn’t too late. Thanks! Hope to see you in Boston.

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See You at Social Tools Summit Boston in 2 Weeks

I am very much looking forward to Social Tools Summit (#SocialTools16) in Boston on STsummitTuesday April 12, where I will be speaking about influencer marketing.

Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony invited me back following last year’s Boston event, which was a blast (see my blog wrap), and I jumped at the opportunity. It looks like it is shaping up to be another great event. The day will be packed with informative sessions, tech demos, and a nice range of speakers and panels.  You should really check it out if you work in social media, and are trying to get your arms around the state-of-the-technology.

PPC expert Larry Kim will be keynoting.  The panel I’m on has good mix of consultants and client side practitioners:

If you haven’t registered, it isn’t too late. I can offer blog visitors a discount code; just send me a note or put in a request via comments below.

Thanks! Hope to see you in Boston.

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Raising Seed Capital: Top Tips from NYETM

There is another great NY Enterprise Tech meet up tonight, on recruiting tech talent for magnet-1189869_1280startups. Clearly I am late in blogging about February’s, which was about how to raise seed capital – so I am taking care of that now, with this post.

The topic is paramount for anyone who has a great idea, but needs potentially game changing funding. February’s NYETM featured a panel that offered some very helpful tips. Work-bench Associate Vipin Chamakkla guided the conversation, to help attendees get answers to questions about seed investor “appetites”, pitching preferences, etc.

The panel included Karin Klein, Partner at Bloomberg Beta, Eliot Durbin, General Partner at Boldstart Ventures, Mike Brown Jr., General Partner at Bowery Capital and Brad Svrluga, General Partner at Primary Venture Partners.

As you will see, each has their own approach, yet a few common threads emerged. It helps to have connections. Be smart when approaching investors: do your homework and make sure that there is a match. Every venture and market space is different; there’s no single formula for evaluating startups.

The demo portion is an important part of every NYETM, and I should mention that were some very cool demos before the panel took the stage – see the end of this post for further details.

Please feel free to chime in via comments, or e-mail me if you think I’ve missed anything.

Describe your focus, portfolio examples and average funding check

Eliot Durbin said that Boldstart invests in enterprise tech, smart data, big data, and the Googlization of IT. Their checks are in the $750K range. A portfolio example is Replicated, which was on the evening’s demo roster (see the end of this post).

Bloomberg Beta invests in companies that make work better, in the $200K-1M range, said Karin Klein. The technologies range from security to HR, and include analytics, bots, and machine intelligence. They were in early on Pathgather, an online learning solution.

Mike Brown of Bowery Capital tracks ventures that relate to Internet natives and their influence on IT spend. They like to lead or co-lead investment rounds, in the $500K range. ActionIQ, a marketing tech play, is in their portfolio.

Brad Svrluga said PVP invests $250-700K and likes SaaS, enterprise mobile, and vertical industry solutions, including fintech. They funded Alloy, an API to Know Your Customer (KYC).

When is right time to approach seed investors?

Eliot: “We want to be the first check.” The timing can vary, for example in Replicated’s case it worked out well, as they saw and solved a huge pain point.

Karin said that earlier is better, in general – but this depends on who you are. A founder with a track record can afford to wait longer.

The prototype stage is a good milestone. But this can vary, e.g. Pluralsight bootstrapped for nine years before seeking funding.

If a venture is pre-product, what else does it need to have?

Mike said there are some non-obvious factors. In enterprise tech, it is good to see that the founder appreciates implications of the long sales cycles involved. They should have an ideal customer profile in mind and factor in sales velocity equations. Could the founder sell him the pen sitting on his desk?

Brad likes founders who are solving a problem they’ve lived through, and to see that they have a real understanding and passion; as opposed to business school projects.

What KPIs do you evaluate when vetting startups?

Eliot: “It’s got to have magic.”

Karin said that it is a highly contextual, and hard to generalize. E.g., with HR tech you want to see easy end user adoption – Pluralisght hit upon a pricing model that was very attractive.

What is the best way to pitch seed investors?

Karin loves to see demos; use a pitch deck if it helps tell the story.

Brad likes a good Genesis story. He really cares how they’re pitched, because it’s the “single best data point for how founders pitch customers and employee candidates.” A pet peeve is unrealistic market size numbers. Coming in through another founder in their portfolio is the best way. Sending a cold email suggests that you are not being strategic, however, sometimes you don’t have any other choice. In those circumstances, you can find cold email templates which you can then adapt to your needs.

Eliot: When pitching, walk in with a good sense of what they are looking for and what you want.

Mike likes those who are very good at selling software.

Audience Questions: One bootstrapped to $40K monthly revenue, and was wondering if they should go to seed or A round funding.

One of the panel members said “Skip us if you can – you will retain more equity.”

Why take your money?

Elliot said that Boldstart can help get customers.

Karin offered that Bloomberg Beta can help fill in gaps in the venture’s team.

Brad talked about PVP’s expert network, which saves search fees for portfolio companies.

What percentage are repeat vs. first-time entrepreneurs?

“Both are nice.”

“This depends on the bias of portfolio.”

“For the very first time, there’s not as good a chance”

Brad said that about half are first timers.

Before the panel, two vendors showed their wares. Replicated is a container-centric platform that enables software companies to manage and distribute an enterprise-grade, installable version of their product behind the firewall and into their customers’ private data centers or private clouds. HYPR decentralizes the storage of biometric data to enable secure password-less authentication across mobile, desktop and IoT systems.

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Social Media Week NY Seminar Wrap

If you are in PR or marketing, it is probably a familiar feeling.  You have some great news or content to promote – but it SMW New Yorkis really tough these days to get anyone to care.  Our Social Media Week New York seminar yesterday addressed the challenges and offered solutions. Thanks to all who attended, and especially Work-Bench for letting us host the event there; and our own Vladimir Spencer and Mike Bush, for their help in managing the event.  Mike led the charge with live tweeting – you can see the Storify wrap below.
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No one Cares about Your News – Now What? Join us on 2/23

The game is changing in marketing and PR. There’s increasing competition for the SMW New Yorkcustomer’s attention. It’s difficult to get anyone to care about news, content and brands.

Traditionally, most sought press coverage to build awareness and credibility. However, it is tougher to get the media to cover PR-driven news these days. And people don’t need to read articles to vet new products and services.  They can just search Google, or learn about them from friends, family and colleagues on Twitter or Facebook.

But you have KPIs nipping at your heels! You need to build buzz and visibility now! What is the secret to getting attention and motivating action?

Join us at our seminar in two weeks during Social Media Week NYC to find out. It is on 2/23, from 2-4pm at Work-Bench (110 Fifth Avenue).

Click on the link to sign up through SMW (if it says “Sold out” or you are having any difficulties, please send an email to [email protected] – we will do our best to make room for you).  Hash tag #SMWGetNoticed


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New Tech Reality Show: It’s Magic, is it a Leap?

While many were anxiously awaiting the results of the Iowa caucuses yesterday, tech magic-154526_1280media were caught up in another drama. They were buzzing about $793 million funding for Magic Leap, a secretive startup now valued at $4B.

The back and forth was about what Magic Leap will deliver, and whether they’ll live up to the hype – see the following tweets:

This is how Gizmag described Magic Leap:

“… it appears to [create] the illusion of 3D objects in the user’s field of vision…. Magic Leap’s device … beams a digital light field onto the user’s retinas.”

That actually does sound very cool. But language geek that I am, I latched onto the words some articles used to describe the technology: “mixed reality”.

Ahhh, reality used to be so – um, real – and much simpler.  These days we have many flavors: virtual, augmented, and now mixed.

That is great, but if you work in tech PR, you should avoid another kind of reality: distorted.

Distorted reality is when companies exaggerate. I always say “promise less, deliver more”, but the following articles detail journalists’ frustrations about overstated capabilities in cloud services and DevOps.

The Register: Whew! How to tell if a DevOps biz is peddling a load of manure

Wall Street Journal: When it Comes to Tech Services, Cloud can be a Nebulous Term

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Did Fox Jump the Snark? (Brief History of Fake News Fails)

“Childishly written!”

“A disgrace”

These are the words most junior PR account executives fear hearing from clients about 65779261press releases submitted for review.  But it was Donald Trump that just said them, in tweets and interviews, about a statement that Fox News issued yesterday.

Fox tried to use humor and taunts in a last ditch attempt to goad Donald into joining tonight’s presidential debate. Apparently, an article would not be journalistic – so they chose that good old staple of ginned up news, the press release, to send the message.

(I guess humor is subjective. What do you think, was it funny or not? Here’s an excerpt, as cited here: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”)

Well, It is now the eleventh hour, and it seems that the Fox News mock statement backfired. Trump really is taking his ball and going home. To the network’s credit, they did not yield to his demands that they remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator.

So who won? I guess that remains to be seen. But it is pretty clear that the press release idea helped seal the deal against his participation – likely not Fox’s intended result.
Meanwhile, the episode made me curious about other fake news releases and their consequences.

I asked our team for examples, and they sent these:

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How to Get Press for Your Startup

Your Story HereTop Reporters Share Tips at Enterprise Tech Meetup

New York Enterprise Tech Meetup is one of my favorite tech events in the city. So I quickly signed up when my friend John Kaczala (also a NYETM regular) alerted me to the January session, about getting press for startups, and its star panel of tech journalists: Jonathan Shieber of TechCrunch, Robert Hackett of Fortune, Alex Konrad of Forbes, and Jing Cao of Bloomberg.

This meetup was interesting for several reasons. Most startups would be thrilled to get coverage in any of these publications – yet this can be a tall order. If only it was as easy as implementing efficient and effective payroll software through Cloudpay. Any startup with international aspirations should take note. However, getting press is an integral part of the process of becoming an internationally sought after business. So it was nice to hear about the journalists’ preferences first hand. These are NYC-based reporters, who are closer to home than Silicon Valley-based press.

One advertising strategy that seems to be generating buzz in the marketing world is the use of branded water. Just about any startup can get bottled water printed with its own unique branding and logos. You can see examples of this marketing technique on the Custom Water website. Bottled water is a surprisingly affordable and impactful way to raise awareness of your brand and could even enable your company name to enter a press office through an unconventional method.

The moderator (Mickey Graham of Work-Bench) asked great questions, and the panelists answered – it was all very amiable and informative (I thought there might be more fireworks, given the competition in tech journalism).

Some common themes emerged. Warm intros help. You should know the reporter and publication, and tailor the pitch. But pinging them on a topic they just wrote about likely won’t work. They do try to read your emails, but can’t respond to all. Be interesting but brief. Follow up but don’t spam. Embargoes and exclusives can work, with certain caveats. Disruption is a great story.

The demo portion is an important part of every NYETM, and I should mention that were some very cool demos before the panel took the stage – see the end of this post for further details. But first, the panel Q and A:

How do you feel about startups reaching out to you?

  • Cao reads every email. “Send an email and follow up in week.”
  • Hackett welcomes pitches, but doesn’t respond to all.
  • Konrad he hates calls. Emails are fine, he likes intros.
  • Shieber reads emails too: “You never know when the next pitch is going to be a great company.” He added “one follow up is fine, the third time is never a charm.”

How can they rise above the noise?

  • Shieber: “Warm intros are the way to go.”

Does it help to bring on a PR firm that has relationships?

  • Cao said it depends on stage of the company, and helps if the firm has the right connections.
  • Konrad pointed out that he was a mentor-in-residence at Techstars, and said: “PR firms can help if you’re really aligned. Be up front from the beginning about your goals.”

What news does it take to get covered?

  • Hackett doesn’t do product news. He said “be interesting, stick to core aspects. Make it as short as possible.” He likes to learn about esoteric subjects, and covers cyber security, but you can pitch him even if you’re not in that field. He has a “hopper of ideas” that he lets “marinate” and is receptive to pitches and briefings that help him advance these stories.
  • Konrad gets a lot of product pitches. “If the news has a surprise, or challenges an incumbent like Apple, send it to me.” Otherwise you’d be better off pitching a blog.
  • Shieber: “Know your audience, don’t pitch me the same thing you would to a trade publication.”
  • Cao likes to meet people and doesn’t need a specific story. If she gets to know you first over coffee, then she’s more likely to recall you and be receptive to a pitch.

What about exclusives and embargoes – do these work?

  • Cao: “It can help with coverage, but is not a sure thing.” She added that Series A funding can be a tough sell to an editor if it is less than $40M.
  • Hackett: “Exclusives can make a difference, they can help.”
  • Konrad: “An embargo feels contrived.” Also, don’t contact him with the news that you’re announcing funding tomorrow, it is too short notice. Work within the journalist’s timing.

How far in advance should a startup pitch before news goes live?

  • Shieber: “It depends on complexity of story.”

Whom do you want to hear from? Should the pitch come from the CEO?

  • Shieber doesn’t want to speak with marketing, he wants to be able to ask probing questions.
  • Alex disagreed, saying that marketing can be helpful if they advocate for a story, or push the CEO to get a customer for example.
  • Shieber: “But you’d want to speak to the CEO, right?”
  • Cao urged not to promise something that you can’t back up.
  • Hackett:”Fortune prides itself in our relationships with top executives.”

What about contributed articles?

  • Shieber: “That is my job, I love getting contributions.” He prefers quality over quantity, adding “but quantity is a great way to make money.” He also added that he likes new writers, and tries to champion them.
  • Konrad said they love contributors, but reject stories that are overt marketing. “Don’t be intellectually insulting,” he said.

The following questions were from the audience:

How do you validate pitches? Does it help if a major VC is a backer?

  • Shieber said “I trust but verify.” He added: “Just be good, be right.”
  • Konrad tries to find out about your expertise, and understand motives – e.g., why are you so interested in weighing in on Apple’s news?

What milestones do you care about?

  • Cao: “Dramatic growth, like going from $0-100M in one year.”
  • Konrad: “Anything your peers would be shocked about, e.g. getting your first $1M contract. Milestones that change the broader market.”

What about getting scooped by social media? Which platform is a viable competitor?

  • Konrad: “CB Insights does a good job of checking filings.”
  • Shieber is seeing more people circumvent the press process, e.g. by issuing a Medium post.

What about pitches that refer to one of your stories? Do they work?

  • Cao said that if she just wrote about something, she doesn’t want to think about revisiting the topic for another year. Just ask for a meeting.
  • Shieber: “Be succinct. Point out how your news fits in a trend.”
  • Hackett: “Save us time.”

Before the panel, two vendors showed their wares. Datavore, founded by Goldman Sachs alumni, demonstrated adaptive analytics for financial services that empowers business users with sophisticated BI capabilities. VTS demonstrated their cloud-based commercial real estate leasing and portfolio management platform.

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HBR Covers the Death of a B2B Salesman – and Media Relations

My friend Neal Schaffer shared an interesting Harvard Business Review article, How salesman-232x300More Accessible information is Forcing B2B Sales to Adapt. The story questioned the role and relevancy of the B2B sales team in a digital world.

There were also some great takeaways for marketing (it’s a must read for those who don’t think social media is important). But the most interesting thing for me, a PR professional, was the one thing that was MIA. HBR virtually ignored media as a channel of info that supports B2B sales. If true, does this mean that media coverage, and by extension media relations, no longer matter in this area?

DIY Buyers tap Self Serve Info

The HBR authors wrote: “Business buyers are more connected and informed than ever… digital channels provide access to information and enable self-sufficiency. When a buyer wants to learn about virtually any product or service, an internet search yields thousands of results, including online articles, videos, white papers, blogs, and social media posts. In addition to supplier websites, there are online sources (ranging from the self-serving to the unbiased) to help buyers learn and compare solution alternatives.”

I alluded to this trend in my recent Entrepreneur piece: “Who even sees or reads [tech news] stories? There are many other ways to vet the latest tech products and services (no one ever got fired for following Gartner’s guidance).”

Fighting Fire with Fire

How should B2Bers ensure that their sales teams don’t become outdated Willy Lomans? And is there still any significant role for PR when it comes to supporting sales?

Regarding the first question, the authors say, essentially, to fight fire with fire. Load up on data about buyers and use technology and digital channels to reach them. Your sales people need new competencies – they can’t just be “talking brochures”. Regular sales training from somewhere like Impel Dynamic will help them to stay up to date with the latest techniques and skills so that they don’t become dinosaurs.

PR needs a new approach too, as I said in Entrepreneur. We’ve never been just about media relations – or sales. Yet media relations are still the bread and butter for many PR agencies. And most who employ PR hope that it will do its fair share to meet short (read: sales) and long term business goals.

Forward thinking PR teams are expanding their tools and approach. Good PR has always been about validation and building credibility – but there are ways to accomplish this beyond earned media. You can court others – e.g., analysts, and social media influencers – to get buy-in and mentions. You can work to ensure that your news appears where the buyer is most likely to see it (e.g. user forums, mobile news apps, social media news feeds). You can craft and promote content that hits the hot buttons of buyers and addresses their informational needs.

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