Reasonable people can debate and disagree about the wisdom of Obama’s public musings on the Gates issue.
I think most people (myself included) felt that Obama was off base in his initial comments. He shot from the hip on a hot and very polarizing issue.
Some, mostly those on the right did not cut any slack when Obama tried to set things right via his spiel about a “teachable moment.” To me this statement seemed heartfelt and struck the right tone. He made no bones about backtracking from his earlier comments and did not rely on a prepared statement or his spokesperson to deliver this message.
One thing is for sure, it’s becoming clear that Obama is a strong believer in the power of beer as a great equalizer, uniter and universal salve.
During the campaign Obama used “sitting down over a beer ” as a metaphor for settling the differences across the political aisle.
And now he has invited Gates and Crowley to sit on the White House lawn for a beer. The story continues to command attention and drive buzz. I have heard more than one radio talk show honing in on the topic of beer and symbolism behind the specific beer selection.
The beer industry should be frothing over this indeed.
Great post! I wonder if I can manage to get myself arrested if the President will invite me over for a beer?
More importantly I am curious what the price tag for American taxpayers is for this beer, I’ll wager it will make a beer in New York’s trendiest bistro seem cheap by comparison. Of course one doesn’t need a flight, background check and who knows what else for a beer in a bar which helps keeps the cost down.
Hah! Great question, political theater does not come cheap.