NY Times Covers Stories Related to Public Image/PR

I took a flight from NY to Northern California today for client and new business meetings.  After doing some some work, I read the NY Times and noted no less than three stories in the Business section related to PR/public image.

A Public Company Defends Staying Silent About a Legal Snarl

This article explores the case of Fidelity National, a company (the largest title insurer in the U.S.) that chose to remain silent about a series of lawsuits related to a mortgage fraud scheme.  The article explored the nuances related to a company's obligation to disclose material info to investors, and posed the following provocative question:

The question gets especially fuzzy when, as here, disclosures made for
the benefit of shareholders could come back to damage the company in
court, which could hurt those same shareholders

In a Clash over Cable, Consumers Lose

This article covers another installment in the very public battle that has been brewing between cable operators and programmers.  Here, the focus is on the food fight between Scripps Networks (owners of the Food Network and HGTV) and Cablevision. 

Coat Maker Transforms Obama Photo into Ad

President goes to China.  President is photographed in front of Great Wall wearing a certain brand of a coat.  Coat manufacturer smells a PR opportunity, obtains photo rights from AP (but does not get White House permission) and seeks to buy up ads.  NY Times covers the story.

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