I am very pleased to say that I have signed on as contributor to Neal Schaffer’s Windmill Networking blog.
Judy Gombita, who also writes for the blog (and at PR Conversations) introduced me to Neal (thanks again, Judy, and thanks, Neal, for the invitiation to write).
As you may well know, Neal Schaffer is a dynamo, a real pro when it comes to social media; he is an author, noted speaker, etc. The blog is widely read, and it is an honor for me to join the ranks as he has assembled a number of writers.
My first post ran earlier this week. It is about taking content off its royal pedestal and turning it into an ROI work horse, by combining content marketing with social media. I hope you read and enjoy it, and others there. My column will appear near the end of each month.
Thanks for announcing this to your community Bob!
Social Networking Cars of the Future
Weve seen the niftiest cool gadgets, functions, and programs on automobiles these days. From automatic begin engines, routing and amusement programs but now a new creation is provided. Today web 2. 0 has taken on another level in our life, but i…
Social Networking Cars of the Future
Weve seen the niftiest cool gadgets, functions, and programs on automobiles these days. From automatic begin engines, routing and amusement programs but now a new creation is provided. Today web 2. 0 has taken on another level in our life, but i…
After your well-received guest post on PR Conversations, I knew you would be a fabulous addition to Neal’s Windmill Networking blogging team, Bob! (A-quality, only.)
Looking forward to reading your January 2012 post….
And all the best for the holidays, too.