Is RSS Usage Overstated?

A bit ironic isn’t it?  We did not find as much uptake for RSS among tech journalists that we surveyed as we had expected (see yesterday’s post Social Media Impact on Tech Journalism, and the survey summary on the Fusion PR Forum).

In brief, RSS was ranked by the journalists we surveyed as among the least popular ways to receive news and info.  You would think RSS would be wildly popular in information-driven professions like tech journalism (unfortunately, I get the sense that my fellow PR professionals have not jumped on the RSS bandwagon in droves yet either).

Yet Computerworld reported yesterday the results of a Forrester survey: RSS Tops List of Web 2.0 Tools.  True, their survey was of IT managers, not end users of technology.  Still, you would think the results would not be at such odds.

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2 Responses to Is RSS Usage Overstated?

  1. AlexW says:

    I think RSS is more of a techie thing even if PR folks should use it. I’ve had similar experiences in that I don’t think RSS has caught on in the PR world yet – even if it should!

  2. Thanks, Alex, I know you are an RSS user and an exception, we need to get others in our profession on board.

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