Got crisis? Don’t bother us with more than one at a time, please

It is marketing conventional wisdom: when it comes to brand awareness, there is only room for two or three
Bozo-the-clown-bop-bag-165x300 leaders in any product category. All others are pretty much disregarded – people just can't seem to make sense of or remember so many product choices.

Similarly, is our ability to focus on too many crises at a time limited?  That is what an article in yesterday's New York Times says.

There’s no obvious link between an American bank, a British oil driller
and a Japanese car maker. But the reputational struggles of these three
global giants suggest one lesson that won’t be lost on shrewd
corporations: the court of public opinion — led by the political class
and including the media — appears capable of coping with only one
villain at a time.

The reporter (no byline, a Reuters story) came to this conclusion by examining media coverage of Toyota, BP and Goldman Sachs in recent months.

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