Feeding the (pick your metaphor) hand that bites them

At first I was going to try to be clever and draw an analogy between the following story and other things that are happening (can vultures be metaphors for celebrity journalism?  What about vultures picking the rotting corpses of old school PR and media)?

Then, I thought, this story doesn’t need embellishing, it is just too much fun on its own.

Apparently, as the NY Times reported earlier this week in their article On Nepal Menu, Healthful Carcass Du Jour, there is a "Save the Vultures" movement in Nepal.

"Scientists say South Asia’s vultures are on the brink of extinction…
now a feeding center…  about 60 miles southwest of the capital,
Katmandu, is trying to ensure that vultures get a chance to eat
chemical-free cattle carcasses.

At the center, [described as a] ‘restaurant,’ sick and dying cows that have never been treated with
diclofenac are brought in, and when they die they are left for the

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