Mad Men Winks at PR, Ad Tech and Big Data

I really enjoyed last Sunday's Mad Men episode, the third in its "final" season (I use quotes because like Breaking Bad, the last shows are taking place over two mini-seasons).

It was good because the writing and acting were top notch, and I am truly enjoying how the story line is unfolding. Of course, as you get closer to the end it becomes a guessing game of what will happen with the agency and key players.

But I also like the show for it's references – to the era in which it takes place, but also modern day. For example, last Sunday's show gave sly nods to things like ad tech, big data and PR – all as part of the same sub plot.

This began when a client confronted the partners about a nice piece of PR – a NY Times story about Grey Advertising's use of computers. This led to a discussion of how SCDP use computers and data in advertising.

Good stuff! If you enjoy Mad Men as much as I do, you should check out the weekly wraps via NY Times ArtsBeat blog, and MediaPost's Mad Blog.

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