Are there important differences in outlooks of East Coast vs. West Coast Web 2.0 plays?
East Coast companies are supposed to be all about business and the bottom line.
West Coast plays are all about the consumer and building a revolution.
(Or so the thinking goes).
I decided to do some digging around to see what people are saying and found some interesting posts on a couple of blogs, although the take was a bit different.
In a post entitled "Ouch That Hurts," VC blog High Contrast noted "I’ve seen several West Coast companies’ pitches that go along the lines of ‘Web 2.0 is huge. We do that.’ ‘Nuf said.”
His post was in response to Jeff Nolan, who said on the Venture Chronicles blog that "in my discussions with the Boston area venture capitalists I was left
with the impression that this whole “2.0″ thing is something that isn’t
widely grasped outside of the Valley."
Perhaps the most amusing was the 93 South blog, which wondered "is the Boston the PC and and San Francisco the Mac?"
The post says that the "East Coast is so cautious and, as a result, lagging well behind the West Coast when it comes to web innovation."
It invites people to write a commercial spoof featuring the Apple and Mac guys from the TV commercial. Pretty funny, yet not a flattering image for us East Coast types.
Could all this VC trash talking just be sour grapes over the fact VC funding does not seem to be as mandatory as it had been in previous tech waves (see the NYT piece "For Startups, Web Success on the Cheap?").
And, while it may be true that the East Coast does not have the same VC network and supportive ecosystem as the Valley, let’s not forget that NY is the media capital of the world. Web 2.0 is as much about content as it is about technology.
(Although a primary driver seems to be user generated content. In fact, perhaps the old saying "content is king" should be updated: "user content is king").
Interesting post. Cmon now Bob, we all know that people from California are much cooler and innovative 😉 (did I mention I grew up in SF? :))