Do we need a new metaphor for “Talking Head?”

I have a post on Social Fluency today that takes a closer look at talking heads – not the band, but the phrase as it applies to news pundits.

The post takes a closer look at a question asked by the NY Times: Obama’s recent speech was roundly panned by the media elite, but does that really matter any more – do the pundits still have same sway over public opinion that they once had before the advent of citizen journalism?

I include an excerpt from the article and added:

There is no denying that the punditry still has some impact – their
opinions get recycled and repeated endlessly.  Indeed, their near
universal agreement on Obama’s speech became part of the evolving story

But it is pretty clear that we are becoming a nation of pundits and
news publishers.  Every time you share a link on Twitter, Facebook or
in a blog post you are publishing news.  Add some analysis, and voila!
You too can become a talking head.

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